Janice Spurgeon - Mon, 5 Jun 2000

Romans 9:26

It is time again to update you on the many awesome things our Lord is doing here.
For it is by His hand things get done.

Prayer is a powerful tool and the faithful prayers of a righteous person produce much. We have truly seen the results of all the prayers being lifted on behalf of this ministry. A while ago I shared with you that the Lord was working with us on this area of our ministry. He was leading us to be more specific in our prayers and to also begin a 30 day prayer calendar. Many of you chose to join us in this concert of prayer lifting the needs of the ministry. I would like for you to see how God's hand is moving.

We began this on May 21 and our team joins in this time each morning before beginning our work. This has led to the answer to the prayer for unity. It is awesome how we can come together with different languages into the presence of our Lord and have understanding. PTL!!

On the list for the Fund was a computer. Funds were provided and the computer is here. PTL!

For our first orphanage we have purchased and delivered the tiles for the bakery and received a better price than we originally estimated. This leaves more for the ceiling. Work is underway as they are pouring the concrete. We will be there soon. PTL!!

At the second home on the list we asked for prayer for the director. There was some concern he may be replaced. We asked for favor in this matter. The day after we prayed we learned that he received that favor and is now staying on. He has such a good heart for the children. PTL!!!

For the fourth home on the list we prayed for provisions for a new roof. The next day we learned that a local businessperson stopped by and wanted to fill that need. WOW! PTL!!!

At the fifth home we asked for prayer for seven year old Volodya who came in contact with an electrical transformer. We learned a few days ago that his arm was removed from the elbow down. But his recovery is very fast. He is running and playing and ready to go home to the orphanage. His spirits are very good as he learns the new challenges he will face. They say it is a miracle that all he lost was his lower arm. PTL!!!

Also for this home we prayed for better financial support and provisions for the laundry and bath facilities. As we recently visited there they showed us the small wooden building now used for laundry. JUST CLICK TO SEE THE LAUNDRY We entered the dark, humid room that had a rather dreary feeling. The floor was dirt and windows were covered. The washing area includes a large brick enclosure fueled by wood that has two large holes where pans of water sit over the flame. Nearby is a commercial size electric washer but they must pour the water in the top. In the next room was the folding area, while the drying area was outside. They iron everything for the 160 children with one regular iron. We have now added a professional iron to the request list to ease the work of the old women that earn a meager living doing this hard work. They told us also, they were out of detergent. Actually the entire village was out of it and would be for possibly another week or two. The next morning our team again prayed for the provisions to come forth for this project. Afterwards we met again with the director she said she had received a call a few hours before. The funds had come through administration for this project to begin and possibly even be completed. We shared with her our time of prayer and she too is thanking our Lord. PTL!!

Jehovah Jireh truly is our provider. Continue to pray for this to come forth to fruition.

We also visited the seventh home on our list and learned that they no longer have the property for the fish hatchery. Some businessmen have reclaimed it and want to build the hatchery for themselves. Pray for God's will in this project. While there, we had a wonderful time sharing in games and distributing more shoes and hugs to the children. I Our visits continue each week as we share provisions and His love with children and adults. We are seeing lives changes through prayer and His grace. We still have 16 more days to watch God move on this list and He continues to provide.

For the fund we also have been praying for a much needed vehicle for the work. Several people have responded to this need and we are believing, that very soon the provisions will come to make this a reality. PTL!!!

For us we continue to give thanks for the way the Lord provides our daily needs. Just when we are not sure where the monthly funds will come from He places someone new in our life to walk with us and share provisions. He always provides a little bit more than enough. It is awesome to watch God move. PTL!!

He has also answered my prayer for a language teacher at an affordable rate. PTL!! I begin next week so please pray for my wisdom and understanding of this language.

For those joining us in the prayer calendar continue with the list giving Father praise and glory for the needs He will meet. For others continue to pray and give thanks for God's provisions and direction for this work. And that we are always in His will. Know that we continually pray for you as well. You are all a blessing in our lives and the lives of children. Romans 9:26 It will happen, that in the very place where it was said to them you are not my people, they will be called the sons of the living God.

We thank you for being there for without you we could not be here.
Remember God loves you and so do we.

Jan and Dale... Ambassadors of Love

To support the ministry of Dale and Janice Spurgeon-Marcum Send checks to (mark general or orphans):

Airo Ministries
acct# 270
PO Box 842
Petoskey, MI 49770

E-mail: Jmspurge@aol.com.


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nDraw at my address on @yahoo.com

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